About Us

Meet The Slupik Family!
We are a family of five with a strong dedication to Family, being outdoors, working hard, working with our hands, building a home we love, enjoying the beauty around us, and sharing it with others.
We moved to Colorado from the Chicago suburbs in 2007 to pursue a slower, healthier, and more nature-focused lifestyle, and we've been here ever since! In 2014, we bought a fixer-upper with a couple acres of land in Niwot, Colorado and immediately got to work creating a home we love and fulfilling a dream we'd had for a long time. Our goal has been to create a place where we could raise our children in the great outdoors, to create lasting memories, and to surround ourselves with family and friends. We want our home to be a place where our kids can 'be kids' the old-fashioned way, running barefoot outside, climbing trees, getting their hands in the dirt, sitting by the fire under the stars, learning to respect and appreciate the beauty of our planet.
We started by renovating the entire house before moving on to the outside space. We built a giant treehouse, a greenhouse from reclaimed materials, and a space to raise chickens. We renovated the existing garden area and we've been constantly adding more growing spaces, perennials, shrubs, and trees. In 2020 we took the plunge and dug up a section of our property to start a flower farm! We grow many beautiful and unique varieties of cut flowers and are so blessed to be able to share the beauty of locally grown flowers with our community!
Thank you for being here and sharing our journey with us!
The Slupiks
​Stacey, Dan, Molly, Noah & Ella

Stacey grew up in Valparaiso, Indiana, a descendant of farmers...so it seems natural that she would eventually find the path to starting her own flower farm! She graduated from Valparaiso University with a degree in Marketing. She worked in marketing research for seven years in Chicago, where she eventually met Dan and they started their life together. Stacey completed the Chicago Marathon, and several half-marathons, before setting her career aside to devote herself to raising their family. Stacey & Dan bought their first fixer-upper in Wheaton, Illinois and started their family there. Shortly after their first daughter was born, they were pulled to Colorado, and the three of them moved away to start a new life. They lived in a newer house while their second and third babies were born, but they knew it was temporary - they were born to be fixer uppers. In 2014, they came across the property that came to be known as Slupik MiniFarm and knew immediately, despite its rough appearance, that this was where they wanted to put roots down.
After raising three babies, Stacey had the urge to do something for herself outside of caring for their family, something that would tap into her creative-artistic side, connect her more with the natural world, but still allow her to be present for her family. She took classes in photography (she does all the photography for Slupik MiniFarm), and she also studied interior design for a short time. But when Dan bought her the book 'Cut Flower Garden' by Erin Benzakein of Floret Flower Farm, something in her came to life. She started following Floret on social media and felt an instant and deep connection. Her late Grandpa grew dahlias, and Stacey felt his gentle touch guiding her where she needed to be. In 2019 she enrolled in the Floret Online Workshop, which teaches students everything about starting a small-scale flower farm, and later took The Tulip Workshop to learn how to force tulips over winter. Inspired by the strong women who run these farms, she felt the urge to build something big in her own corner of the world, something beautiful, something that would stop people in their tracks. Almost immediately, Stacey & Dan started converting sections of their property over to growing flowers!

​Stacey is the creative vision behind the flower farm, but it wouldn't be what it is without an incredible amount of help and support from her family. The business name uses the family name because family is, and always will be, the most important thing to Stacey. The entire family has helped build Slupik MiniFarm into what it is.

Dan was born and raised in Naperville, Illinois. He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Electrical Engineering and later got his Masters from Kellogg University in Business Strategy. Dan worked as an engineer at Motorola for 10 years and then in business management at Texas Instruments for 15 years before moving to a smaller company. He now works for a medical equipment company as VP of Operations. Dan enjoys camping, backpacking in the mountains, traveling, watching the Denver Nuggets, and cooking -- his specialty is homemade pizzas, much to his family's enjoyment -- and we enjoy experimenting with things we grow to create new pizza toppings!
At Slupik MiniFarm, Dan is the builder, the fixer, the heavy-lifter, the one who makes the dreams come to life and keeps them running, while also working a full-time job. He has an incredible amount of patience, always takes the time to let the kids help while teaching them in the process, and has a very handy talent for figuring out how to fix and build things. He also makes sure that the rest of us never skip a meal! Dan designed and built our treehouse, greenhouse, chicken coop, The Flower House, walk-in cooler, flower beds, and many of our fences. He also has dreams of building a brick pizza oven...if only we can find the time!

Molly is the oldest of the three children. She is a student at Colorado State University studying graphic design. Molly is a life-long artist, starting art classes at Sunflower Art Studio in Gunbarrel at the age of four and continuing to take art classes through high school and into college. She fills every minute of her free time doing something artistic. She especially enjoys painting, graphic design, photography, and floral design. She completed a graphic design internship with CU's athletic department and now works with local businesses designing logos, marketing materials, and more. In addition to doing custom projects, she sells her artwork and designs on her Etsy store Pocket of Poppies, at The Flower House, and in local shops and markets.
Molly works full-time for the flower farm in the summer and whenever she can fit it in around school. Planting, weeding, harvesting, managing pests & disease, flower arranging - she does it all! She designs our logos, graphics, signage, and marketing materials, and our T-shirts and hoodies as well. She also manages The Flower House on the weekends, keeping it open, stocked, and looking beautiful for you all! Molly has an incredible understanding of color and assists with decisions about the colors and varieties of flowers we grow. She is also enjoys floral design and helps with our custom arrangements and many of the arrangements you find at The Flower House.
Check out Molly's full portfolio on her website www.mollyslupikartanddesign.com.

Noah is the second oldest kid in the family and currently a sophomore at Niwot High School. His favorite activity is basketball. He plays for the Niwot High School basketball team and is a huge Denver Nuggets fan. He was lucky enough to be at the game when the Nuggets won the championship in 2023! Noah also plays electric guitar in the NHS jazz band, and he loves to go hiking and backpacking in Rocky Mountain National Park.
At a very young age, Noah's love for working in the garden was apparent. His excitement over harvesting vegetables was undeniably adorable! He has lovingly cared for our chickens for many years and now has his younger sister as an apprentice. Noah works hard, and despite his lean appearance, he is strong and is often called in to do the heavy lifting! He is responsible for rotating all the tulip crates in and out of the root cellar and garage throughout the winter growing season. Noah works part-time for Slupik MiniFarm and spends the rest of his time working on the planting & harvesting crew at Ollin Farms, helping with their CSA after school, and helping at their festivals and farm dinners.

Ella is the youngest in the family, our fiery little redhead who loves giant bear hugs more than anyone we know. She is currently in middle school at Flagstaff Academy. She has a big, compassionate heart and loves all living things, especially dogs, horses, and pigs. She loves reading and attending Nuggets games with her dad. She is also learning to play the piano and ride horses.
Ella takes great care of our chickens and is learning the ropes at the flower farm now that big sis is away at college. She helps manages The Flower House and makes great iced coffee at the end of a hot work day. :) She is learning the importance of having a close connection with the outdoors and how good it feels to have her hands in the dirt. She has become adept at seed starting, planting, harvesting, and cleaning buckets (not her favorite task!) and she can identify the names of many of our dahlias!

The Team
As our farm has grown and our business has expanded, we have brought in lots of other hands to help us throughout the season. From seed starting and soil prep to harvesting and weeding, their help is invaluable and has been vital in helping our farm to grow over the years. Working beside them, watching them dig deep inside themselves to do hard things, and the energy and camaraderie they bring to our workdays, have been the greatest gifts of growing this place. We are extremely passionate about creating a healthy space and environment for women and girls here, a place where they can be themselves, challenge themselves, build their confidence, and channel their creativity. As we've watched our own girls grow and flourish in this environment, it is an honor to expand our team and to have the opportunity to grow together with other women and girls too.
We will be growing our team in 2025 and look forward to expanding the things we can do!

Our Other Residents
Ruby is our resident farm dog. She is a Bernese Mountain Dog and has been such a blessing to our family. We sincerely hope her presence will deter the foxes, bears, hawks, and other predators that often hunt our chickens! Don't be surprised if she pops her head over the fence to see you when you stop at The Flower House - she's a total sweetheart and thrives on constant love and attention!
We also have a happy flock of chickens who provide us with a constant supply of fresh eggs and who clean up our extra food scraps. They're also a great companion to the garden, as their waste is used for compost and they're helpful in keeping the bugs in check. We look for varieties of hens who are not only beautiful and colorful themselves, but who also lay a wide range of colorful eggs. Occasionally you can find our eggs at The Flower House, when we can get them before the foxes who have learned how to steal them.